Coreform Snags Sizable Grant Tied to Isogeometric Analysis of Nuclear Energy

Coreform won a competitive $1.1 million grant from the Department of Energy to expand isogeometric analysis technology and GPU access for the MOOSE framework.

Coreform won a competitive $1.1 million grant from the Department of Energy to expand isogeometric analysis technology and GPU access for the MOOSE framework.

Coreform LLC announces receipt of a grant from the Department of Energy. With this grant, Coreform will combine two prior projects to allow for isogeometric analysis within the Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) that can run on graphics processing units (GPUs).

Coreform has used previous grants to develop IGA for use with MOOSE and to integrate the MFEM library with their IGA technology. 
 The DOE’s Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation program developed MOOSE as an open-source framework for simulation, which is now used by researchers globally for safe nuclear energy designs.

Coreform’s isogeometric analysis technology is built to improve the accessibility of the MOOSE suite by enhancing the product testing and development workflow, according to Coreform. This project will allow engineers to use a computer-aided design (CAD) model directly in simulation. The other part of the project will allow these IGA simulations to run on GPU.

The work funded by this grant will increase the accessibility and usability of government-funded nuclear simulation codes and promote the development of safe, clean nuclear energy. This new technology will make it easier for nuclear energy engineers to access the advanced nuclear science embedded in MOOSE. It will also allow the developers of MOOSE to use GPU technology for efficient computation. 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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